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Everything posted by b1qwkbird

  1. I just did a 4 month deal with Customer Link and used a tracking number to report any calls from the flyers. The only phone calls I received were 2 wrong numbers, one looking for a plumber and the other asking for their "Uncle Steve" and one person asking if we were hiring. I have started simply passing out flyers myself and using the post office and their route delivery option to target people around my shop and received much better results. Not to mention when I asked if I could change anything about the program to get better results all I was offered was a free month of mailers if I didn't receive any calls. However since I received 3 calls (the first of which came before the mailers were even mailed out) this was also not an option. After cancelling service I was also charged a $90 fee the next month and could not be told why. In my opinion their professionalism disappears once you start the service.
  2. I use a company called EPS90 that basically does the same as the in-house financing that mmotley is describing but I get paid whether the checks bounce or not.(In theory) Of course I have yet to find anyone that wants to pay 10% more than their repair to finance for 90 days so I haven't personally seen it work but the concept and presentation was promising. Luckily I have found that most of my customers either want to pay cash or with their own cards and I have a great processing company that leaves my legs attached and only takes my right arm for a fee. I can put you in touch with the company if you are interested. They were based in Colorado if I remember correctly.
  3. Thanks Jeff that is perfect. The 25 point are exactly what I was picturing.
  4. Thanks, I was searching "automotive inspection sheets" and a few similar variables and not coming up with results I liked.
  5. Where do you get a comprehensive vehicle inspection sheet with a carbon copy. I did a google search and didn't find any that I liked. I want room for the tech to write notes not just a checklist.
  6. I am Ben Davis, owner of Davis Performance in Marietta, GA. I have been in business since June 1st 2013 and have had a very positive experience so far. My background is as a technician for 17 years, which progressed into becoming a master technician and learning the various aspects of the business. I spent 2 years as a service manager and handled (what I thought was) everything in the shop from inventory to closing out at the end of the day. As an owner I have found that I absolutely did not handle everything and my original business model as a one man show is not the most efficient way to get things done. As a result, I have now hired one technician, have a technician that was working part-time for me starting full time in a couple of weeks, and am contemplating hiring a service writer so I can focus on being an owner and growing the business. My shop is not located on a main road but is in the middle of several main roads so it is not much of a hassle to get here, however all of my advertising is word of mouth and craigslist. I have been reading the forums here on my kindle at night and have gotten a lot of great knowledge and advice. I am excited to be a part of this community and look forward to expanding my knowledge even further.

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