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Status Replies posted by Alex

  1. Alex, did the Chat happen last night, the 16th? I tried to get on, or I did it wrong.

    Please let me know how to join the chat, Wednesday or Sunday night.

    1. Alex


      I replied to your comment here. The chat room is always available https://www.autoshopowner.com/chat/

      I just haven't seen much activity lately.

  2. Heading to Kansas for the Vision Convention.  Who else is going?  Hope to see you there. 

  3. Hi Alex! Wanted to send you a message... and a pop up showed up saying "Your inbox is full. You must delete some messages before you can send any more." How do I do that?? Can you help? Feel free to email me at [email protected]

    Thanks! Matthew

  4. Hi Alex! Wanted to send you a message... and a pop up showed up saying "Your inbox is full. You must delete some messages before you can send any more." How do I do that?? Can you help? Feel free to email me at [email protected]

    Thanks! Matthew

    1. Alex


      You have a pending renewal to your sponsor membership. Once you renew, you will go back to unlimited storage.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. We are honored to have been featured on the cover of Ratchet+Wrench this month! Too cool! https://www.ratchetandwrench.com/articles/4363-inspection-perfection

    1. Alex


      I saw that, very cool!

  6. Jan 21 and it's 50 degrees. Strange. Not sure if it's good for business, but it feels good.

    1. Alex


      Need cold weather this time of the year in the Northeast.

  7. My former service manager for eight years, retired army ranger, and good friend who was diagnosed with lung cancer in May, 2013, died this morning. It is a very sad day.

  8. In California visitig my first Grandchild, a baby boy. His name is Jackson! On cloud nine!

  9. Someone help me unlink facebook to my ASO account! :(

    1. Alex


      All done. The seting for facebook is under your settings page.

  10. Today is the 13th. Lucky 13 for me. It's my anniversary. 22 years with the wife. We did the same thing we did 22 years ago. Golf and quilting, only difference is she went quilting, and I went golfing. Ah, how love changes things with so many years together. LOL She's still the best and I wouldn't change a thing.

  11. Today is my 40th wedding anniversary.

  12. Finished up the next video for Dayco Products. This time I was the guy doing all the talking... pretty neat gig. Don't know how it will turn out, it's going to take a bunch of editing. It's not so much being in front of the camera as it is trying to get all the words they want in one take. Really takes some practice to get this down. Hopefully the next bunch I do will keep getting better and better.

    1. Alex


      Thats cool, can't wait to see it!

  13. VOTE!!!

    1. Alex


      Voted and now disappointed at the results!

  14. Enjoying a warm January, 60 deg in New York, unheard of!

    1. Alex


      I was outside all day!

  15. Friends I will not be on the chat room tonight or next week. I am headed to Iquitos, Peru, SA in the Amazon jungle with my oldest grandson (15) Monday morning. Won't be back until the 7th.

    1. Alex


      Wow! have a safe trip..pictures please!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  16. Have a GREAT weekend, new story is up AND Sunday Chat is still on... see ya there

    1. Alex


      You too Gonzo!

  17. Special News, I'm now an official monthly columnist for Babcox magazines. Be watching for your Feb. issue of Brake and Frontend, Import Car, or Underhood Service. You'll find more stories and more news...

  18. Preparing for more snow...

    1. Alex


      6-14 inches in NY they say...

  19. I hope you all had a wonderful Thankgsgiving.

    1. Alex


      Happy Thanksgiving!

  20. I'd like to say "thanks for giving" but I'd would rather say "thanks for taking" - - Thanks for taking the time to read this old guys stories and comments... thanx to all... Happy Thanksgiving

    1. Alex


      Happy Thanksgiving!

  21. A grandson, my son's son, was born at 3:00 this morning. He is a big healthy boy. This is number 8.

  22. Glad the election is over and I like the results other than still hvaing Harry Reid around.

    1. Alex


      I agree about Harry Reid!

  23. Heading down to little italy, the feast of San Gennaro later today

    1. Alex


      That should be nice!

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