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Everything posted by Alowes2837

  1. Yes happens every day along with the "no leave that I'll get my mechanic to do that"
  2. I agree with your thoughts and some famous and highly respected business men have done so. However it is easier to say such things as there are not that many ways to get back up from bankrupcy and losing everything nowadays. I would say be very affraid to fail but if you do then so be it at least you had a go.
  3. I agree that you shouldn't just give certain techs certain jobs as yes it will piss some other techs off and that will start to erode the morale of the shop, then the bitching starts etc and you then have another problem to deal with. Also if there is a certain tech that does one type of job all the time he will possibly lose some of the skills for other jobs. There are plenty of other issues with this and not many are positive.
  4. Thanks for that Joe. I am surprised no one else has had this situation considering the nation is at conflict. However much of a pita it may be I'm glad guys like tech are willing to do what they do. Adrian
  5. Hi everyone. I have just taken controll of a shop in the Orlando area after a year of trying to buy it. It only has two staff other than myself which are 1 tech and 1 service writer. Unfortunatly I am stuck in the UK for a short while finalising things here, I am hoping to be moved around the end of the month. Here is the problem that I need some help and advice, the tech is a military reservist and yes he is getting deployed for a year. Obviously I am going to have to get another tech and understand the associated problems with that. However what are the legal issues concerning a reservist going on active service, with regards to having to keep his job open for him after his stint and pay etc. This is all new to me as I am from the UK and understand there are more than likely different laws regarding this there in the US. I look forward to hearing from anyone who has had similar issues or knows what is the correct thing to do. I am glad to have found this site and am happy that so many of you more experienced owners are willing to share advice and help to those of us that are new to owning shops.
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