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Posts posted by Trealubit

  1. September 22-24 is ASA illinois CAN conference in chicago. Close to where RW conference will be. Lots of great hands-on and classroom technical training from instructors like John Thornton, Jorge Menchu, Eric Ziegler, Ken Sanders. And Management training from Bill hass, Jeremy Oneal.

    Its the days before RW conference. Not that expensive lots of value.

    Highly recommended when your in Chicago. You can take classes a la carte as well.

    Check it out and register at asailcan.com

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  2. I have been using omnique for 3 years now. Before omnique i had alldata manage. By far omnique is the most capable and almost complete cloud based system i found at that time and they continue to update. Its updating to version 5 somtime this year and have great support. I am using the highest plan since i import to quickbooks. In my coaching group all of them are using protractor. looks really in depth and full of features and cloud based. I have not seen what shopboss does yet.

    I would suggest that you demo all three and see what fits you and your business. Also check it Carolyn's (luscious garage) system called shopware. Its also cloud based. Good luck and let us know what you decide on!

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  3. I think its best to start with your labor rates and margins first. Fix that first before trying to expand or hire another tech or buy more equipment. Make sure you are making money with every job and margins are correct.


    Money robbers are:

    -diagnostic time(not billing for it)

    -items not being billed to customer (miscellaneous shop supplies)

    -not selling recommended work


    Are the few. But its a place to start. Goodluck!



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  4. Just to be clear, I completely agree. Don't let the other clatter disrupt your comment. I'd love to pay our techs more (they currently make more than I do, but we're a small shop. There's only 3 of us!)

    We also need to drive our employees in a direction that they take responsibility for the profitibility and production of the shop. They need to reap the benifits, I agree. But it's not always easy finding those good employees capable of doing that!

    Thanks! Yes of course. Great that your doing this for your techs!


    Yes this clatter can make this thread unreliable. Lets try to keep it about pay plan types. ✌️



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  5. I think the purpose of this forum is shop owners can learn from each other what works and what doesn't. I think its important to remember that different states have different laws and different markets. And shops and management styles differ from shop to shop. Which different owners take on different approach. We should take this forum as a learning tool to better this industry for its survival in the future.


    I am a tech first before an owner and understand this. Trust me. This is not only a tech to owner problem but an industry wide issue. How do we expect to pay high when customers don't. When our profession is viewed simple as "grease monkeys" by people in and outside of this industry. how about change the perspective that this profession is respective and deserves quality pay and advancement. Problem is we as techs have advanced so much in technology and "costs goes up to stay current" but have not increase in professional value. I think this should be the first step. I guess the question is how do we do this collectively nationwide to advance this profession and industry as a whole?


    Maybe this is more suited for another topic on this forum?








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  6. It should be a win/win for both employees and business. We found the best way to do this is through billed hours. I which is really where the money comes from. So say techs get a base 17/hour and when they reach 35 billed hours we scrap the 17/hour and give them percentage of total labor sales from 20-30% of gross labor sales. Depending on the hours tech produces. This way techs have a good pay if shop is slow but does not hurt the shop. Basically pay can be from 17/hr all the way to 40/hr but it all depends on productivity on labor. Techs work hard to reach it and does not have to be in worry if shop is slow.


    Oh advisors must have incentives to otherwise It wont work. You can have the best techs and pay plan but if advisor does not have incentive to do his best to educate, sell and provide excellent customer service then it wont work either.


    Oh btw must have good marketing. Advisor cant do its job if phone is not ringing.


    Sorry i think i went off topic. 😉

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  7. Check out Omnique. Cloud based, can be accesed anywhere and full of features for modern shop. I demo maybe 20 systems before choosing them. Check them out and demo their system. Oh and support is great.


    Ps. Ro writer also a great system. Tested it its great only thing is not cloud based. If ur back up goes then your down.


    I elect cloud based because you will never loose the data and if you have no internet just hot spot from your phone and ur back online

  8. Check for Mechanics lien processors in your area. They charge a fee but will perform all the paperwork for you.


    You can also do this yourself. Check your states requirements and laws.


    If bank has a lien on the vehicle. They must be notified first. Then they will cover the cost for storage and owed repair costs and pick up the vehicle.



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  9. For sure its hard to do, since there are a lot of shops that do give out prices and online estimates, parts stores are posting prices all over the board. Customers are getting used to it. But also Its important to keep in mind that price is still a very common question for callers. And there is an opportunity to turn them to loyal clients.

    We ask our clients to bring their car in for no obligation "Courtesy Inspection". Let me be clear that "Inspection" is not the same as diagnostics/testing. We also explain that we have a fee for Testing if the initial inspection warrants a test procedure. We then explain or show the procedure to the client. We do this to educate the client on our process, justify the time spent and cost for testing and bring trust as well as credibility into the mix.

  10. I hear ya. December for us historically has dip in sales. But picks right back up January. But oddly we are pretty busy this month so far.


    We have been doing a lot of marketing to existing customers and amping up social media and net presence early this fall which i think is contributing.


    May take sometime before that text blast reap dividends. Marketing is not always on demand.


    I get sent offers all the time from other business thru text, email or postcards but most time never act on it until it becomes a priority for me.


    Give it time.




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  11. I think its important that as service professionals we understand that technology will always change and as long as we adapt to these changes we will always be a choice for motorists service.


    We may not be changing spark plugs but something will sure needs maintenance and service. Point and condensers are no more but look at ignition coils...they still break. If not replacing power steering pumps we are replacing electric steering motors.


    Change is inevitable in any industry, it is those who are willing to adapt survive and grow.



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