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  • Business Name
    Auto Repair
  • Business Address
    416 Cove Creek Loop, Mooresville, North Carolina, 28117
  • Type of Business
    Auto Repair
  • Your Current Position
    Shop Owner

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  1. Dakotaj96

    Auto Repair

  2. Hello everyone I am looking to open up my new shop within 3 months and honestly feel a little in over my head, I’ve spent days reading on here and while it’s awesome I feel I need something more formal. The main 2 things I’ve found has been the RLO training course or the Ron Ipach fast lane training program. Has anyone one taken either of these courses or have a different one to recommend?
  3. Thanks for the help and bantar you have some awesome advice. I really want to go full scale and do a variety of work like alignments, tires, general repair, diesel repair, truck Accessories, etc. I’m in a small town with alot of trucks in it and right now many people drive out of town to get all there auto needs done. I fear in such a small town I can’t get a ton of business quickly but need a variety of techs to offer all of my services. This is where I’m struggling at.
  4. Hello everyone, some of you may have seen me around already and know I’m in the process of opening a new shop. Was wondering if any of you would be willing to share your monthy expensives with me to help me get some ideas for my business plans? Not asking for all your personal info mostly just fixed cost such as rent, insurance, equipment lease, etc. I know everyone may not want to share this but I think it will be neat to compare what other shops have to shell out each month depending on there size or location.
  5. Thanks for the advice so far guys! I should have worded my question differently, what I really wanted to know was how did you deal with techs upon starting your shop? Such as, did you hire 3 great techs 2 weeks before you open to properly train them or did you have 2 guys that started opening day and use the initial slow period to train and have say another guy lined up to start a month after opening? Just trying to find the best way to do this. Thank You!
  6. I would think your business plan and cash reserves should be such as you are able to carry those technicians on the payroll, whether you have business or not. Why would I come to work for you as a tech on a start up with no guarantee? What's in it for me? I also think that 2 techs isn't enough if you are already advertising and marketing the business.  Maybe it takes 6 months to a year to become profitable. That's where having a detailed business plan with income statements is a must. You need to be running those numbers to see where you will be and what it's going to take to be profitable.  

    1. Dakotaj96


      This is very true and yes I do have cash reserves in place and could afford 2 techs for quite a while even if we had no pay. However, I guess I am just more curious on how people handled employees at the start of the business. Such as, did you hire 3 great techs 2 weeks before you open to properly train them or did you have 2 guys that started opening day and use the initial slow period to train and have say another guy lined up to start a month after opening? Just trying to find the best way to do this. Thank You!

  7. Hello Everyone, I am opening up a new shop from scratch. Its a larger shop (8 bays, 5 lifts, tire machine/balancer, alignment machine, etc.) I know this is a very poor question but how many techs should I have opening day? What I mean by this is I don't want to hire 2 guys and have to lay them off the 2nd week because we don't have business yet or have to turn away 50% of my work because we are busy and only have 2 guys. Any good solutions you guys could think of the help combat this issue? Thank You
  8. Dakotaj96


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