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Status Updates posted by Gonzo

  1. Check out the latest Saturday morning story at Gonzo's Toolbox ! !

  2. Crazy week... From a 66 T Bird to a 2011 F150. A test light on one and a scanner on the other. But, both with the same problem... no pwr windows. It's amazing how the technology has changed. What's next? wireless windows???? LOL

    1. Jeff


      Fighter jet tech..combined with I dream of Jeannie. Just blink your eyes!!

    2. Gonzo


      like the fighter jet, prefer the genie.

    3. Joe Marconi

      Joe Marconi

      Agree with Gonzo


  3. Doing a radio interview on Thursday with the Remarkable Results radio show. Should be a hoot.

    1. Tires Too

      Tires Too

      I stumbled upon Carm a few weeks ago. There is some great content on his site, Joe was on a while ago.

    2. Joe Marconi

      Joe Marconi

      Gonzo deal Gonzo! I did one too. Lot's of fun and worthwhile.


    3. Jeff


      Surrounded by celebrities!

  4. Doing a radio program this Saturday morning. It will also be recorded if you miss it.

  5. Don't forget Coast to Coast Car Chat.... Sunday evenings. Now at it's new location ASO chat room... it's not just about cars, we'll talk about anything... it's a great stop for everyone to socialize and have some fun. See ya there! !

  6. Finished the last of the electrical and mechanical on the 56 fire/rescue truck I've been working on... go to my website or to my facebook page you can see more pictures of it. After it's painted I'll post more. Next stop Paint.

  7. Finished up the next video for Dayco Products. This time I was the guy doing all the talking... pretty neat gig. Don't know how it will turn out, it's going to take a bunch of editing. It's not so much being in front of the camera as it is trying to get all the words they want in one take. Really takes some practice to get this down. Hopefully the next bunch I do will keep getting better and better.

    1. Alex


      Thats cool, can't wait to see it!

  8. first full day at the shop, even though it really gets old dealing with the car problems, I sure do like getting back to the shop and do what I do best even after a week off. I'm going to be a terrible retiree .. gotta be doing something...

  9. First sleet/rain/snow mix of the year and the cars are finding the ditches all over town. And...the first one in my neighborhood... my boy. Took the pass. side outside mirror and the crushed the door, but other than that it's all fine. Wonderful way to start the season off.

    1. Joe Marconi

      Joe Marconi

      If he is ok, it's a great day. Nothing else matters.

    2. Gonzo


      Only his pride was hurt.


  10. From the time I open the doors til' the time I close them I've been super busy the last couple of weeks. I know it won't last... school starts in a few weeks, I don't know why but that always slows the shop down. Enjoy it while ya can I guess.

    1. Joe Marconi

      Joe Marconi

      For us, the summers are very busy, it does slow up when school starts, then picks up to the X-mas holidays.

  11. FYI ---- I'll be a little late for chat tonight. Late round of golf and a really cool golf course. Can't pass it up, Should be live at 7:15-7:20

  12. FYI, I've been running a chat on Sunday nights at 7:00 pm till 8:00 CST. It's an informal chat about cars with other pros across the country. I have never brought it to the attention of ASO... but I thought this might be a great way to speak to each other. Join me if you can @ http://www.gonzostoolbox.com/CHAT.html see you there.

  13. Getting hot this week, I don't mind the heat... it's the hot that gets me. LOL

    1. Gonzo


      100 degrees today. Office A/C needs a recharge man... it's hot! ! !

    2. xrac


      I feel sorry for my guys. WE are swamped with cars.


  14. Good day for me... got the last of the sheathing on the roof of my porject, and got part of the eaves done... WHOO HOO! Now if somebody would show up to help put all the shingles on.. ugh, what a pain... I'll be glad when all the roof work is done.

  15. got a fun job for the winter... a 1956 GMC firetruck to restore for a customer... it's got the big bell, siren, lights, the works...

    1. Gonzo


      will post pictures..

  16. great chat tonight.. thanx to all that came by...

  17. great group at chat tonight. next weekend we'll do it again... come on by

  18. great to see ya here Dave

  19. Great turn out for Sunday night chat.

  20. Great turn out for Sunday night Coast to Coast Chat. Great conversations with a great group.

  21. Had a rather interesting week. Hardly any work, the big lift blows a seal, and the heater goes out at the house. wonderful ...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gonzo


      Yep, another day... I checked lol

    3. xrac


      FOR me Mon-We'd was dead and Thurs.-Sat. Was crazy busy.

    4. Gonzo


      house heater - dirty flame sensor - 225.00 lift seals - both shafts redone - 450.00. Profit for the week - zip... the fact that I made it through the week without going nuts...priceless

  22. Had an interesting day. I taught at a local technical (automotive section) college today. Showed them how to do a parasitic draw test with a volt meter, how to read and understand relays, and how to find a back feed on an electrical circuit. Really cool... hope to do it again.

  23. Happy Birthday Joe! It takes age to make a fine wine. Have another glass... you'll age just fine too.

    1. Joe Marconi

      Joe Marconi

      Thanks Gonzo...and I will have another glass!

    2. Jeff


      Careful Gonzo..some of that wine turns to vinegar! Happy B-Day Joe!



    1. Joe Marconi

      Joe Marconi

      Thanks Gonzo!


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