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Zs Automotive

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Posts posted by Zs Automotive

  1. I currently use the Hanatech Ultra scan, for the price I'm pretty impressed cost around 3800 has a wide coverage of vehicle, very fast and has good bidirectional control, updates are not expensive, free for two years. Of course is not perfect the o-scope I don't like it us not color screen not self powered. Has anyone else played with this scan tool?

  2. Hello everyone,


    As some of you are aware I'm currently running my shop as a side business. I still have my full time job, but I'm considering going full time with my shop to try and grow it. Well my shop currently is located on an old Hwy meaning it use to be the main hwy but now they've built a bigger hwy. Car count averages 160 per hr where I'm at and there are a lot of neighborhoods around here. My question is, there is a shop available on the main hwy with a lot more car count but the overhead will increase about 50%. Do you guys think I should stay here while I do the transition to full time and try to grow my shop with a cheaper over head or will the increase exposure make it worth it to move. I know it is a difficult questions I'm just trying to get your professional opinions.

  3. I'm trying to make a decision whether or not to buy a brake lathe. Since brake rotors are not very pricey do you think is better to just sell complete brake job pads and rotors instead of turning them? One of the independent shops I used to work for did not have a brake lathe and it worked out pretty good for him. Does anyone else use this approach, or is a brake lathe needed?

  4. I guess it all depends Joe. I was one of those entry level techs giving an opportunity 10 years ago. I graduated from UTI with no experience in the field I was in the army for 4 years but not as a mechanic. I was hired by Ford as a MLR tech just doing oil changes and brakes. What helped me succeed was my willingness to learn and not afraid to ask for help. I was fortunate to have a old timer master tech that took me under his wings and teach me a lot within a year I was comfortable working on my own. No body starts knowing but I feel as long as the person likes his trade and is willing to listen they can become great techs.

  5. Hi, everyone


    I just opened an auto repair shop about 4 months ago, but I'm still working my full time job as a tech therefore I open the shop from 4 pm until 9pm M-F and 8-5 on Saturday. I'm starting to build customers but most are from referrals and neighbors I don't get much traffic cars. I'm starting to think that the hours I'm open don't really work for the auto repair business seems like after 6 everything dies. Has anyone worked this kind of hours or what do you guys think about this odd hours.

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