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    Faith Auto Works
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  1. Hi all- new to this site and forum but can already tell it will be invaluable. We have a handbook that I've built over time (after experiencing many an HR mistake) but I am learning it is still not detailed enough as we just had to pay out 2 weeks vacation pay to someone who left us with no notice. Could have been avoided if I had it in the handbook that they 1) use it or lose it (my state allows that) and 2) don't get vacation pay without two week notice... anyway, hard lesson. We just dumped a ton of money into the shop so I'm trying to avoid an attorney, plus they don't always know the nuances of auto body. If anyone would like to share what they have or have received from others, I would greatly appreciate it. I'm happy to share mine as well, but as stated, I have found it is no way comprehensive. Thanks in advance! Sarah [email protected]

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