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Status Updates posted by Gonzo

  1. Looking at my tax return, it wasn't that bad of a year.... but, how come it sure felt like it... LOL Oh well, I owe, I owe, it's back to work I go, to pay the bills and get taxed some more... I owe, I owe, I owe...

  2. Made it from DC to Oklahoma in 2 days of driving. All totaled it was around 20 hours (with construction..etc.) I've got to admit the craziest drivers are in DC, fast, quick to change lanes for no reason, unbelievable. After nearly 40 hours of driving through nearly 12 states, the only time I got the one finger wave was when I was about 30 miles from home. Go figure, a local knuckle head had to give me the one finger wave as a way of saying "Welcome Home" love this country...

  3. Merry Christmas Everyone!

  4. Monday morning, decided to put a few hours in at the shop because my flight to AAPEX/SEMA convention doesn't leave here until 545. Trying to get a new pwr strng pump in the wifes Lexus... 3 bad pumps in a row...so far, great start for a Monday don't ya think? LOL

    1. Joe Marconi

      Joe Marconi

      It's sad, but we have had that too. What happened to quality?

  5. My backyard project is coming along, I'm putting the shingles up today... between the rain storms. Well, at least this way I can tell where it's leaking... LOL

  6. My weekend story is up... it's a good one... even my wife got a laugh out of it after reading it. enjoy!

  7. New story up, don't forget about my Sunday night chat at my website...

  8. Not that I want to complain...but I will. Got a 05 Mazda RX8 in with a service code. The dealer looked at it twice but all they did was turn the light off. I scanned it and found the secondary air valve shoddy. Oh, wait... Now I know why the just turned it off.... ya gotta pull the intake off to get to it. %*#&(@ Mazda! Why didn't ya just move it to a different location!!!

  9. OK that's IT! I QUIT! Till next year. Happy New Year 2012! Hope your next year in business is a profitable one! !

  10. OK, I guess we had it coming. Yesterday 70's, today 15 degrees, 4 inches of snow and schools are closed. Looks like I'm stuck at the house.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CARMandP


      Im stuck at home as well. Not good for the shop :(


    3. Joe Marconi

      Joe Marconi

      By the way...4 inches of snow...we call that "flurries"

    4. Gonzo


      Our snow removal service consists of a one salt truck and two with plows, well...there are the road graders they break out if it gets deep. you know, 5 inches...


  11. OK, stuck at the house, 3 foot drifts, 21 inches of packed snow... roads will not be cleared till later this week... going to be a rough one. Probably will not get the shop opened back up till Monday or Tuesday. i've never ever seen it like this... can't make up for all this loss... devastating to say the least

  12. Ok, who left the gate open... shops been full for weeks now. If you're responsible for leaving the gate open... thank you, much appreciatted.

    1. Joe Marconi

      Joe Marconi

      Agree, many shops have been busy the past few weeks, nice to see!


    2. CARMandP


      I'm covered up :) Been very very busy


  13. OK, you can turn the heat off now... I'm somewhere between well done and fried crispy. Over a 100 degrees for two weeks now...enough is enough!!!

  14. Ok... you can turn the heat off already

  15. ON VACATION !!!! Be back in two weeks (Oct 11) I'm not sure how well the internet is down in Mexico, they told us it's no different than in the USA. So, if I'm not at chat on Sunday you'll know why. 2 weeks of no grease, grime, and busted knuckles. First time that I won't touch a car or a scanner for that length of time. Gee, I get to see what it's like...looking forward to the time off. BTW my shop is full...with work waiting. Mostly restorati...

    1. xrac


      You lucky dog! You will love it there. The restaraunts are great. Ofcourse you are playing golf.

  16. One more week until the AAPEX convention. This year I'm signed up with AVI (Automotive Video Inc.) as their video host. I'll be running around the convention doing interviews on new products for them. Should be a hoot.

  17. Packing for my trip to Vegas. I'll be at the MACS convention all week. I'm covering the conference for MACS as a writer. Look for my articles in their Feb. magazine.

  18. Packing for my trip to Vegas. I

  19. Planning a trip to Ohio/Pennslyvania area the last week in May or first week in June... Who's close by?

  20. Planning a trip to Ohio/Pennslyvania area the last week in May or first week in June... Who's close by?

  21. Playing catch up with articles and assignments. Running a bit late getting the next one out. Starting to have to many pans in the fire. Kind of a good problem to have.

    1. Joe Marconi

      Joe Marconi

      Know the feeling. We will wait patiently.

  22. Posted a photo of the 56 firetruck I'm restoring..

  23. Posting my usual weekend story on Friday... going out of town for labor day weekend... spend some quality time with the family... Have a great labor day weekend everybody

  24. Question: How many reflashes do you do in a year, what kind of cars, and is the investment worth the effort.. (new article info)

  25. Really dead today, took the afternoon off. So what did I do? I went home and worked on some unfinished articles. Still working, just not turnin' a wrench today

    1. Joe Marconi

      Joe Marconi

      Bet you're never to tired for golf...

    2. Gonzo


      yes... of course... always

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