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Posts posted by kingwoodshell

  1. Thank you Mike for responding. On Wednesday I did get to speak with a supervisor and was able to explain what why I was upset. She addressed the issue with the support team and Nick was able to remote in to correct it. Since then Mike and my salesman called to address my concerns. Unfortunately I wasn't able to speak with either of them at the time but did speak with them today. I believe we are all on the same page now.

    I want to apologize if my post came off as a blast at the company. I reread it today to see if could be received this way (I will admit depending on your perspective it could be). It was really intended to inquire if anyone else had noticed a decline in customer service. My shop has spent over 25 years building a culture and sometimes myself and the owner don't always know if the culture is being carried throughout the company. Sometimes we find out through unconventional ways. I felt that if Mike were to read this and any other replies it could result in him finding out what some of his customers are experiencing. Again my apologies to your staff if they felt like I was blasting them.

  2. We've been using Bolt On for a year and a half. Customer service has been great and the product has been great, until very recently. We just switched to a different management program and we have been have numerous issues. Usually they attack the issue and resolve it quickly and communicate very well. For whatever reason this has dramatically declined from what I'm used to. I'm curious if anyone else has noticed this. Currently I'm on hold to speak with someone for the last 20 minutes. This call is related from an issue we had yesterday that was not resolved. The tech support disconnected from us and did not call to let us know what was going on, and the problem (as well as a new problem) was still there. No call this morning to follow up or reconnect. Mike if you're still reading these websites it would be nice to hear from a supervisor to get an explanation as to why this is being handled in such a way. You guys are usually the best in this department, not sure if you're growing to fast and you have some new people that don't know your culture or what but it kinda sucks from this side.




  3. What I remember about ROW is that I couldn't get revolving services to be on each of every customers cars. In Mitchell I can have spark plugs, timing belts, trans flushes, etc all in each vehicle with their next date and milage in the recommended service so that the bolt on technology could then send out a reminder when it's due. Will ROW do the same. The checklist from what I remember was very generic and limited.

  4. Thank you Andre. I just heard from a friend recently that works with one of the companies and they told me the same. If you don't mind me asking are you keeping ROW? I've been told ROW has there own tablet / smartphone product. Also how do you use the recommended services on ROW? When I was using it at another shop we had a real struggle with revolving maintenance and the customer getting their reminder (i.e. spark plugs, flushes, timing belts all specific to their car and their mileage).

  5. So how many folks have RO Writer and what are your opinions. I've used it and am pretty familiar with it. I am curious if they every released their update they've been talking about and also how you use recommended services. When I was using ROW I did not like how recommended services worked. It was very limiting. Are any of you using ROW and Bolt on Technology together. I'd like to know how well they integrate with eachother.


    Thank you in advance,


  6. Ok, I know there are some Elite customers on this website. I believe that Elite can no doubt help our shop, but my shop owner is very hesitant and is concerned that the coach we get will have us raise our prices which will drive away customers. He also is apprehensive about how much help Elite can provide for the one year commitment (the dollar vs. value). Truth be told I don't think he believes we need any help. We are a strong shop. We have really good car count and great gross sales, but we bleed from places I'm sure we don't even know about. What I'd like to know is if there are any shops represented here in the Houston area. If so I'd like to visit with you over the phone or preferably in person. Thank you in advance for your input.

  7. Jeff, please accept my apologies. I didn't mean to imply you were a liar. Just blowing off steam.

    MSPEC, I have numerous issues. The absolute newest one since the newest upgrade is any estimate I do when using something from inventory the program will not carry the vender over. I can check inventory and the vender is there, but if I place an inventoried part on an estimate its not. I called on this one Thursday or Friday and they said they know all about it....no fix for it.

    Another is one that I've been dealing with for YEARS. I can order parts electronically for restock, the program orders exactly what I ask it to, the parts arrive, I receive them and PO goes away after its closed, lets say a week goes by and I need to order same parts again cause they're gone / sold what have you, the PO does not pick them up...why do you say....because inside the actual part it still shows to be on order even though there is no open orders with said part. <-----I've been dealing with this issue for years and they still can't fix it.

    There are numerous other issues, too many to list.

    I agree with mmotely. They come out with some new features which is nice, but most of us would be happy with fixing the problems that the program has had for years. Then lets go try out some new tricks. I mean for crying out loud you can't even create a parts kit that will pull parts out of inventory. Even the simplest programs out there can do that. That's an issue Mitchel has had since the early 90s.

    News flash Mitchell..........its the 21st century. Time to catch up.

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  8. Mike, I have used the forum for years. There is great info all over it for how to use the program. There is very little useful info is you have a problem with functionality. I've called tech support and have gotten very little resolved. We've got several tickets still open waiting for a fix. I could spend my whole day filling this post up with issues we're having. Every time I call support I get a generic response regarding my issue, rarely is my problem resolved. One of my most recent issues I asked to speak with a tier 2 support guy. Once I was able to speak with him I begged him to stay remoted into my pc so he could see what I see when I see it. He literally argued with me about it but I was relentless about it. I told him I've been doing business with a company recently (since May) and when I had an irregular issue the support staff stayed logged in until the saw what was happening. I didn't even have to ask them to do this (Mike take a guess at which company I'm referring to). Eventually he gave in. We did not receive any input from him on what was going on. After two days I called to ask what was going on and alls I got was "we're working on it and don't have any resolution yet". The bottom line here is anyone that uses a large portion of what Mitchell offers is lying if they say they don't have a large amount of issues.

    Someone tell me how you chunk out an update that adds new problems and doesn't fix any of the old ones. If it wasn't for Bolt On Technology's add on software I would have already jumped to Maxx Traxx or something else.

    My question is why can't anyone come out with a SMS that works correctly. My advice is get with 10-12 seasoned service advisors that work with up to date shops. Ask them what are the necessities and what are luxuries. I mean you already have several examples of how not to do it. I'm just really at the end of my rope with how little support there is with this software and how many issues there are.

  9. We've been using Mitchell since 1997. The product has always had issues. We have the most current version of SE available. This version just came out and since then there have been new problems to go along with the ones they haven't fixed yet. I just called tech support this morning to address the issue we were having and the tier 1 guy put me on hold, came back to the phone and said they are aware of the issue and are working on it. Can you imagine if we ran our shops this way. How long would we be in business. They are supposed to be the industry leader....whatever. I'm with one of the other members. If Mike comes out with a SMS I'll be on board no questions asked. Wouldn't care how much it cost either.

    As a side note: If you have a large data base (like us...we have well over 12000 customers) and you're not with Mitchell I would stay away. The only reason I'm staying with them right now is because of Bolt On Tech. If I can find another SMS that Bolt On works with I'm out. I can't take the B.S. from Mitchell any more. Every time they do something new there are more problems to go along with the old.

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