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Status Replies posted by Jeff

  1. Well, might as well make it official.  I'm selling the shop and or parting it out.  Most likely parting it out.  After much thought has been put into it I've decided to go the route of writer/teacher for my next leg of automotive.  After 33 years of running a shop I guess you could say... I've seen it done it and own lots of T shirts. 

    Equipment wise I've got most everything up for sale.  Including a few specialty tools that aren't even around anymore.  Such as a gauge tester for anything from 95 on back... Very handy.  I'll try to put together a list... but if there is something you'd like to know if I have one... send me a message.  I'll get back to you. 

    1. Jeff


      Good luck Gonzo...maybe ya could team up with Sum Guy and supervise his mobile services! LOL. Be well friend.


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. I've seen slow, and I've slower. But, in all my 30 plus years I haven't seen it this slow. It's all over town too. weird.....everybody said it's slow.

    1. Jeff


      Talked to the tool rep and 2 parts guys yesterday. It is slow everywhere here.Hope it picks up next week!

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  3. I've seen slow, and I've slower. But, in all my 30 plus years I haven't seen it this slow. It's all over town too. weird.....everybody said it's slow.

    1. Jeff


      Went from a great March and near record April to calling myself to make sure the phones are working.


    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  4. Doing a radio interview on Thursday with the Remarkable Results radio show. Should be a hoot.

  5. What a night in Oklahoma. Tornado touched down about 5 miles from my house. My wife and I were at a restaurant at the time... which was only a mile from it. I actually saw the tornado drop out of the sky while I was having a beer and eating chips and salsa. The rushed all the patrons to the backroom. It passed us in about 20 minutes. Then, we reordered or meals. LOL... what a night. Wife can't say I don't take her anywhere exciting now. LOL

    1. Jeff


      Whne I lived out near the panhandle we did some amature storm chasing. They are amazing to wathch.

  6. I am in California for the birth of my second grandson! Be home next week.

  7. Happy Birthday Joe! It takes age to make a fine wine. Have another glass... you'll age just fine too.

    1. Jeff


      Careful Gonzo..some of that wine turns to vinegar! Happy B-Day Joe!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  8. Crazy week... From a 66 T Bird to a 2011 F150. A test light on one and a scanner on the other. But, both with the same problem... no pwr windows. It's amazing how the technology has changed. What's next? wireless windows???? LOL

    1. Jeff


      Fighter jet tech..combined with I dream of Jeannie. Just blink your eyes!!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. Saw this on a coffee cup, "I'm a mekanic, a mecanik, a makanik,... Ok, I fix cars"

  10. I'd like to say I don't piss people off, but I do. I'm set up in my shop to do electrical repair...not engine work, such as major oil leaks...etc... I don't pull engines, headgaskets..etc.. but apparently I ticked this guy because "some guy" told him I did after I told him I don't. geez...

    1. Jeff


      There's that Sum Guy again! Dude sure does get arpund!

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  11. This past week wa one if the worst in a long time. Slow.

  12. The end of a real tough week. I thougt it's supposed to get easier as we get older?

    1. Jeff


      The only thing I have found easier is combing my hair...aint as much of it as used to be!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  13. Spring is here! Time to get the bike out for a well deserved ride.

    1. Jeff


      What do ya ride Gonzo?

  14. Snow, snow and more snow...when will it end....it's killing business and morale....but before you know, we will all be crying we are too busy...well maybe not this year

    1. Jeff


      Weather here is GREAT..just no biz. We generally see all the snowbirds this time of year. Maybe its just to cold to drive to Florida!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  15. Finally cooled off here in Florida. Love these 60 degree mornings!

    1. Jeff


      Got a big couch!! I do remember it gettin cold when those clippers run down outta Colorado.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  16. Finally cooled off here in Florida. Love these 60 degree mornings!

    1. Jeff


      COME ON MAN...I lived in Aline ok. for about 5 years in the early 80's. It dont get that cold in OK! LOL

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  17. Today, Oct 1, marks 33 years in business. On October 1st, 1980, I was 25 years old, married 2 years and my first son was 3 weeks old! Talk about pressure. No regrets, it's been a wild wide, but fullfilling!

    1. Jeff


      Congrats Joe. Thanks and keep up the good work.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  18. This week is going to be short for me. Helping the wife carry 50 (yes 50) show quilts to a convention at the end of the week. I'm the mule....dah not the quilter, that's the wife. Then when we get back this coming weekend I only have two days at the shop.... then VACATION!!! First time I've taken two whole weeks off, closing the shop (not the office) for those two weeks. Heading to Mexico, golf, ocean fishing, lay on the beach...and uhm...lots of Tequila.

  19. It's the end of a very enjoyable weekend, BBQ with friends yesterday. Back to work in the morning.

    1. Jeff


      I am looking forward to the coming weekend. Gots plans for the smokers, some charcoal and about 15 pounds of ribs!

  20. Today is my 40th wedding anniversary.

  21. Tuesday 2/05 I'm heading to Florida for the MACS convention. I'll be there until Saturday. If anybody is in the area of Ft. Lauderdale stop and say Howdy. I'm on assignment for ACtion Magazine covering the convention.

    1. Jeff


      Cant make it to Lauderdale but if ya holla at me when the plane lifts off I can run out and wave at ya as ya fly over! LOL!

  22. We haved no more place to park cars. We are absolutely swamped.

    1. Jeff


      Wish I could say the same. This week I am calling myself to be sure the phones are still working!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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