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Episode #3: How To Get Your Techs To Do The Courtesy Inspections Consistently

Elon Block


Hi everyone,


What I'm about to tell you will either excite you - or offend you.


At first glance, you may think I'm going to talk about a subject that has been

hashed and re-hashed.


And there couldn't possibly be anything left to say about it.


So, you may be tempted to hit your back button and go on about your day.


However, if you're like most shop owners I speak with...


This is a problem they've been struggling with - for years...


And it's still not "handled".


As a result, your numbers are not even close to where you know they should be.


This video will introduce some things that are rarely talked about regarding

your techs, your service advisors, your courtesy inspections...


And your customers.


Because until we examine this problem up close and personal,

the struggle to get paid what you're worth, will continue.


You can find Episode 3 on this page (along with the first couple of episodes, in case you missed them):



You can contact me with any questions you have:



Or pick up the phone and call me at:





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