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Joe Marconi
Joe Marconi

AutoShopOwner.com: Starting its Third Year and Growing!

As AutoShopOwner.com begins its third year, we would like to take time to thank the contributions from all its members. You have made this website the “go-to” website and forum, for the automotive service business. AutoShopOwner.com was created as an automotive management network of shop owners and affiliates to share and exchange ideas and opinions. It is our belief that together we can make a positive difference in the auto service business.


The forum topics have been great and the dialogue priceless. It is truly amazing how much knowledge there is among us. AutoShopOwner.com has proven to be a viable medium where shop owners around the world can come to ask questions, gripe about issues, and help their fellow colleagues.


New enhancements already made to AutoShopOwner.com for 2010:


• We’ve revamped the site for easier use and increased the services offered within the community.

• New Reputation system – Posts can now be rated, earning the author reputation points which can be highlighted with titles and badges.

• New Personal Conversations – Users can now create private topics, accessible only to themselves and anyone else they choose to invite. (replaces the default message system)

• New Mini Profile Popup – Wherever you see on your board (which is just about everywhere a member name appears), it can be clicked for a handy mini-profile popup. Send a PM, check reputation or find posts – without needing to leave the current page.

• New Social Network Icons – Social network icons added to the top of posts, to easily add content to your favorite network.

• New Live Chat – Integrated new live chat system

• Blog section Updated – various new blogging features

• Photo Gallery Section Updated – various new photo features

• Downloads section Updated – Layout and operation updated

• New “Who visited today” section – Added a section that shows who visited the forum today. Located on the main page of the forum, at the bottom of the page

• New Text Editor added

• New – Log in with your Facebook or OpenId account!

• Synchronize FaceBook Account- Added the ability to sync your FB account to AutoShopOwner.com.

• New Status Updates – Add “what’s on your mind” to show on the forum home page and in your profile

• New Forum main page layout – new block additions, recent topics, etc. Right column can be closed or opened.

• Event Calendar Updated – new features added. Add any events easier.

• New Main Menu – Added new drop down main menu.

Planned enhancements to AutoShopOwner.com for 2010:

• Increase checklists and downloads for Premium Members

• Create more extensive business tips and management information

• New Articles section

• Member Locator

• Twitter Integration

• More to come….


Another goal this year is to increase membership in order to boost the AutoShopOwner.com experience. You can help. Spread the word to fellow shop owners. Forward the monthly newsletter to other shops, industry associations, and colleagues. If you belong to an automotive trade group, talk about the benefits of joining AutoShopOwner.com.


As you can see, AutoShopOwner.com is dedicated to you, its members. However, the strength of AutoShopOwner.com lies in its members and the interaction within the forums. The more people that use the services, the stronger the site will become. This will benefit everyone.

Help us spread the word about AutoShopOwner.com. We also welcome your comments and suggestions. Remember, together we can make a difference.

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