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Joe Marconi

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Status Updates posted by Joe Marconi

  1. Had a great time at the Yankee game yesterday, then off to one of my favorite resturants in the Bronx

  2. End of summer, school starting up, leaves starting to change...how time flys!

  3. Fall is here, will miss the summer, but time marches on

  4. Sales are flat but steady, sign of times?

  5. Enjoying a great labor weekend, business is great, family great, what more can I ask for...

  6. Sales like a roller coaster, and you know what a roller coaster can do to your stomach, right?

  7. Taking a few days off. Grandson is in town!

  8. Stayed up too late watching the JETS game, they won, but very sloppy

  9. After a tough week, relaxing, looking forward to tomorrow.

  10. After a roller coaster few weeks (and don't know why), we are back on top with sales!

  11. Getting the house ready for Thanksgiving, should be fun!

  12. Check in from Las Vegas, lots to see, will update when update soon

  13. Gearing up for fall/winter promos. The need to be proactive is more important than ever.

  14. Near the end of October, last push for 2014. Where does the time go?

  15. Just got back from San Diego, time change kills me!

  16. Just put my flag up for Pearl Harbor Day

  17. Enjoyed a Sat off, for a change. Well...actually worked at home...I guess it's who I am.

  18. I'm back home from California. Had a great time with family and my grandson. It was 80 degrees and sunny, came home to 6 inches of snow.

  19. Just returned home from Boston, getting ready for some football!

  20. Enjoying the end of a busy week, the best in a long time. Going to the JETS game tomorrow!

  21. January numbers, not bad, keeping my fingers crossed!

  22. TAking a day off, well..almost the entire day...maybe a little work

  23. Enjoying my family, home-made pizza and football. A perfect weekend!

  24. Rembering our brave soldiers on Veterans day

  25. Staring out of my kitchen window looking at my snow-covered lawn, waiting for spring!

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