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Milton Marentette

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Everything posted by Milton Marentette

  1. The difference in insurance is minimal here in Mi. I have been loaning out my personal vehicles for years. The customers wash them, put fuel in them, and some even wax them for me. I have a beat up rusty old pickup for the guys that have rusty beat up pickups or that need a ladder rack. I have a newer suburban for the soccer moms and a volvo wagon for the people who must recycle all the time. What you want to add is a dealers blanket policy. That will protect your assets. Make sure to get a copy of the drivers license before letting them take it. The shop owns all of my personal vehicles. There is a coverage limit that I watch out for, but any and all are covered. Even if I just bought one that no one knows about. There is just a slip you put inside the vehicle to prove it's insured. Thinking about getting a few CRV's. The mailmen here abuse them like no else can. Super durable. If you tell them its a loaner some people will trash them. If you tell them you can let them take your vehicle they are super happy and treat it like your own. It's spelled the same but sounds different. Like potato and potato. Hahaha.
  2. I've been an owner for three years now. It's nice. When I was a full time tech I was happy to get my normal rate for non billable hours. I bill it out at cost to the shop. Keeps track of parts and taxes.

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