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Posts posted by Bothell

  1. I have not, I saw it on Youtube. I'm curious myself.


    I spoke to Paul Delaney the guy on the video about a year ago before I opened up my shop. He basically explained to me that they would people go out to residents and then sell them little coupons book of services, like 4 free oil changes, and other services.

  2. Hi Joe,


    Thank you for your response, I look foward to reading your next blog and seeing some pictures of the construction.




    Robert, it makes me proud to have a fellow shop owner read my blog. My goal is to help other through my experiences. I wish you the best of luck.


    I was 25 years old when I opened my shop. I rented 4 bays in a large building shared by two others business. And although that was 28 years ago I remember it like it was yesterday. As you may know we grew to six bays and soon will have 2 facilities with a total of 10.


    As far as obstacles go, I would have to say that the biggest obstacle I had was to learn how to be a businessman and not just a tech that happened to own a business, there were so many business skills that I did not have, and that actually hurt my business for a number of years. When I left the Ford dealer I was an A rated tech, performing everything from transmission overhauls to engine rebuilding. But, what I did not know is that being the best tech does guarantee success in the


    business world.


    Marking and advertising are two key elements in growing a business. In my opinion, marketing is more important because advertising may get them in the door, but how you market your business keeps them coming back. The best brake job in the world means nothing if you were rude to the customer or did not get the car back to them when promised.


    If a marketing strategy or advertising promotion works, stay with until it does not work. Don’t be afraid of trying things new. If something does not work, no big deal. Learn from it and move on. Don’t give too much away either. Sell value, not price.


    Remember, if price was the only factor people cared about, people would be driving Yugo’s not Honda’s and Toyota’s. Yugo was about price, not value.


    Let’s keep in touch and please ask me anything. I will be making a blog entry this weekend and will be posting photos soon.


    Joe Marconi

  3. Hi Joe,


    I read all your blogs and wanted to thank you for keeping us updated. I was wondering if you were going to try to post some pictures of your new 4 bay facility? I am new to this business with no prior experiences. My shop is 6 months old. I am 26 years old and everything that has happened has been an emotional roller coaster. I read all your blogs in one day and wanted to let you konw that it helped me feel better.


    I know it might be too far back to remember your first year but what were your biggest obstacles and how did you overcome them?


    In one of your blogs you mentioned that marketing & advertising for growth is critical to the success of the business. That has been my main focus since starting and I have been trying them all, some worked some didn't. The ones that didn't I haven't given them a second chance yet. Do I keep trying new techniques, even though I have been spending quite a bit of money?



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