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Part 3 - Timing the Advisement of an Oil Change

David Rogers


If you've missed the past couple blogs, I've been sharing the secrets we use in our shop to increase our Lube Lane tickets by $200.


To quickly recap, on every oil change ticket...


1. Tell the customer that you are going to perform a complete inspection on the vehicle when you first sign them in.


2. Be SURE that you begin asking questions about the HISTORY of the vehicle, and WHICH services have been performed as far as the PM goes!


3. Get the vehicle pulled around and out of sight of the waiting customers IMMEDIATELY (even if you aren’t ready for it in the bay yet)!


4. Make SURE that your technician INSPECTS the vehicle FIRST, and that the customer receives the ADVISEMENT on what he finds within 15 MINUTES of signing in!


The final thing we ALWAYS do is...


5. TAKE the Customer OUT INTO the BAY to SEE what’s needed!


Next to #4 above, this is the biggest mistake made in shops every day…people think telling someone about their needs is the same as SHOWING them...this is simply WRONG. It will never work as well if you do it like that.) We have found that by SHOWING the customer WHILE they are SEEING it with their OWN EYES, it is literally 5 times MORE effective in capturing the sale NOW.


Ok…now you have the 5 MOST important KEYS to CAPTURING the SALE in your Oil Change operations. The only question left now is: Are you a good enough LEADER to MAKE IT HAPPEN EVERY TIME?


It’s changes like these that can turn around your Average RO and start to make you some real money...


One last thing…I know there are some of you out there who want to make small changes like these to turn around your Average RO, but you can’t find the right people to make it happen, or can’t find right customers who appreciate service like this or spend money.


I know because I’ve seen and helped hundreds of shops in the same situation...you’re not alone, and you’re not out of luck. Take a look at some of the other ways we help shops like yours and then drop me a line...I’m here to help.

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Great article! Some of these tips can be carried out even more seamlessly (especially #5) by using wireless automotive software with built-in text and email functionality to send estimates, multi-point inspections, photos and more directly to customers. This increases repair order profit and speeds up customer approval times.

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