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Ron Ipach


Car Count Daily | Episode 13

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Car Count Daily | Episode 13

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The people that have just given you money are the best group of people to get the money from the next time. It's the low-hanging fruit, and I want you to really start paying attention to marketing exclusively to them instead of trying to get a new customer in the door to replace them.
It costs a lot of money to replace a lost customer, so we want to make sure that we stay in contact with all of our good customers all the time. So that's actually what we're going to be covering today on today's video. We're going to be talking about how often do you market to them? And I'm going to give you an answer that you may not be expecting. I'm going to say that you need to market to them every single week.
Now you might be saying, "That's too much." Once a week is what I want you to be in front of them so they remember you, so they ... because you don't know when they're going to need service, right? There's no way you know exactly the time that they're thinking about auto repair, so you need to be there when they are thinking about it. So every single week you need to be hitting them with some sort of a marketing message.
When you think of it, the average consumer right now on a daily basis, I've seen estimates as high as ten thousand marketing messages every single day that they're being bombarded with. So don't think that you're going to be marketing entirely too much to them by touching them one time per week, four times per month. That's hardly going to make much of a dent in the universe of how many people are trying to market to them. So four, don't get carried away and say that, four is entirely too much because chances are they're not going to see most of the marketing messages.
It's important we stay in contact with them as often as possible, because when they're looking for auto repair, that's when they're going to notice that you're there, so I suggest you mail at least twice a month to them. I like mailing a newsletter on the first week of the month, and some sort of a postcard mailer or something on the third week of the month. Then use the power of the new kind of marketing, the electronic marketing, either, and it's not new, the emails. But send them an email on the second and fourth week, or send them a text message on one of those weeks, or maybe pick up the good old phone and call them.
That's how often you need to stay in contact with them. You don't want a week that goes by where they lose sight of you. You need to be there when they're ready for you, and there's no way you know when they're going to be ready for you. So don't think this is too much. You know, I actually have clients that are marketing to their clients a lot more than that. But on a minimum, once a week you should be marketing to all of your clients, okay?
You either take the information and run with it, because I know it works, or think I'm totally crazy, and I'm marketing entirely too much, but I can tell you, I do know, when you get in the habit of marketing once a week to your current list, your car counts do go up substantially. So take my advice, don't take my advice, either way I wish you the best of success.


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