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Ron Ipach


Hi Shop Owners!

I wanted to come over shop owner forum for this special edition of Car Count Daily and offer you an exclusive invitation to join me TOMORROW NIGHT on my Free Webinar - 

Registration is now open for my free Auto Repair Webinar - 

I'm going to be talking about what it takes to go from just being an ordinary shop to an EXTRAORDINARY shop.

What do I mean by ordinary?

  • It's where 95% of shop owners lie.
  • Car Count numbers aren't nearly where they should be
  • The shop is not meeting their financial goals.
  • Their time is being sucked up.
  • They're working entirely too many hours.
  • They're not getting a chance to spend time with their family.

In other words, the shop isn't exactly what they thought it was going to be when they started it.

What I'm going to be talking about is what it takes to be in the top 5%, where it's making money hand over fist, where you're being able to take time off. You're going to be able to spend time with your family, go do what you want to do with whoever you want, whenever you want to do it.

Those things that if you roll back to the day that you started your business, you thought you would be able to do.

If this sounds like you, click here to learn more and register now...

(** WARNING: Spots are filling up FAST, Click here to Reserve NOW **)



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