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Expanding The Business, Step 11, Build A Company That Runs Without You

Where is your daily focus? This is a question I ask myself constantly. If your daily focus is fixing and servicing cars, then that is what you will accomplish on a daily basis. But, as the leader of your company, is this where your focus should be?


We are in the business of repairing and servicing the motoring public. But in order to grow and be successful, the leader of the company must work on insuring the success of the business. The leader of the business must work on marketing, advertising and creating systems that, when followed, will allow the business to run on its own. I tell my people that our company can only be a success if it runs without me.


To have a company run on its own requires systems and policies along with the adequate training to insure that all procedures are followed. All systems and policies must be written and explained in detail to every member of the company. Constant review is vital. A system of checks and balances must also be put into place.


To create a self-run company takes a great of time, and trail and error. Take for example the work-flow process. Every detail of the work-flow process must be detailed and itemized in writing: Customer write up, dispatch, reviewing the work order with the tech, road testing, the checklist, up sells, the actual repair, reviewing the completed work order and car delivery.


With my expansion project, I have taken every segment of my business and broken it down into categories. For each category, I have written a series of procedures so that every employee understands what his duties are. Check lists and reports are generated and reviewed to insure that things are getting done properly.


Years ago I was the hub of my business and every action required my involvement; from obtaining parts, to diagnosing jobs, to making payroll, cleaning the shop, road testing, selling work, etc, etc, etc. This is the most inefficient way to run a company and was doomed to fail. I needed to change and I did.


Build a business that runs without. Empower your people to act with authority with the ability to make decisions. Create positions in your company where people report to each other and not to you. Relinquish control and watch your company grow.


Stat tuned!


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