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From: Your business success is often found in what you don’t do

As shop owners, we are often overwhelmed by all the tasks we need to accomplish on a daily basis. We run from morning till night putting out fires and dealing with difficult situations. The days, weeks and years pass us by. And we sometimes end up realizing that activity does not always equate to accomplishments.


To be quite honest, too many shop owners are doing too many things that they should not be doing. For example, is it the best use of your time running across town to pick up parts? Or repairing the plumbing in the customer bathroom?


There was a time when I thought that I had to be the be everything, everyone and everywhere; the lead tech, the service advisor, the manager, the building repairman, the bookkeeper, the receptionist, and even the janitor. And I also thought that every situation had to be handled by me. If not by me, how would things get done?


In order to grow a profitable business, the owner needs to concentrate on what will achieve the greatest amount of return. For one week create a list of all that you do; every activity from answering the phone to helping in the shop. Then, begin to strike from the list, things that could and should be handled by someone else. When you narrow your focus on those tasks you should be doing, you will become more efficient and achieve more. Delegate and help others in your shop grow.


Success is determined by not only how much you achieve, but also by how much you help others achieve.


Source: Your business success is often found in what you dont do


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