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How Does A Bookkeeper Help My Business?

One of the most common questions I get is “Why do I need a bookkeeper?” It’s usually accompanied by a “I can do it myself or have a friend help me for less.” I recently had a client I helped that demonstrates exactly what I do and how it helps. I won’t include their name, or any identifying information, but I want to share with you how the work I do impacts their business. What a Disaster Looks Like I don’t call errors a disaster lightly. A disaster means major problems. When I got my


nptrb in Finance

What You Need To Know about the Employee Retention Credit

Whew! We’re moving on from the PPP loan blog series to dispensing knowledge about the Employee Retention Credit. Hello IRS! With all of the changes and tax time approaching ~2 months away, I hope you’re ready to go. If you haven’t already filed, here is some information that’s about two weeks old, so grab a cup of coffee as we dive into a summary of this credit. This credit is designed to make it easier for businesses that chose to keep employees on their payroll through all the challe


nptrb in Finance

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