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Everything posted by rubberbroker

  1. Beginning the first of August, we purchased hand held radios (link attached) and for the small investment, introduced them to our team. We have some guys using the earpiece and others using handheld mics. We have worked with each other on radio etiquette and honestly, I can't imagine not having them. It has brought our 10,000 square ft shop down into a single room...the communication has never been better...and yes we do have fun with them. Thousands of steps saved and we keep finding new ways they are saving time. Retevis RT21 Two Way Radio Rechargeable 2 Way Radios UHF FRS VOX Emergency Security Long Range Walkie Talkies with Secret Service Earpiece (10 Pack) from Amazon.
  2. rubberbroker


  3. Joe, Good for you! Leaving the phone behind once you do it...is the most liberating thing of our current time..especially for a well connected business owner. Now, take the next step and leave it behind when you are with friends and family. The more you do it the easier and becomes...and guess what...no one really cares! We have becomes so reliant and dependent on constant feeds from this wonderful tool, that we forget that we are actually in the middle of a life that consist of way more than a business. To your point, can shop owners truly unplug? The answer is yes, with small steps like this, it becomes the gateway to healthy boundaries. So if you say you can't, try it. Test it. What is the worst that will happen? I tell you this..it will help you identify where you need to focus to start living your life and enjoying the right now. Funny thing is, I'm sitting here on my front porch listening to a rain storm...plugged in! Dammit!! Ok, I'm going out with friends for dinner and punting the phone!
  4. Hey David, Several years ago, we decided to buy our own uniforms, rugs and rags. Over the past 10 years, we spend less than 40% of what it was cost back then. That equates to roughly $25k for our single shop with 10 uniformed employees! For us, it is worth it. Happy to chat with you in more detail if you want to shoot me an email [email protected] Chris
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